Our Vision

We want to make a difference in the world

Our whole team is excited to help others understand the Good News of Jesus Christ’s life, death and resurrection, as declared in the Bible. We are convinced that, in fact, ETERNITY BEGINS NOW – today counts! In his first letter to churches near Ephesus, the Apostle John writes “And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” (1 John 17:3) We trust that God will use our organization to help open people’s eyes for His presence and bring light in a spiritually dark age. Our hope is that this ministry will touch many hearts and draw people from all over the world to Jesus.
Our team is grateful for all the help God has provided to EBN. Where will He lead us next? Will He bring in volunteers, supporters, initiate co-operations with other Christian organizations, … give us new projects? – We can’t wait to find out and see the fruit of His work in us and others.