Our Hope

We hope to see you one day
on the other side

We hope to see you one day on the other side

This world is far from perfect – with evil, pain, death tainting our lives. But the best is yet to come… How so? There is a reason we long for a world without suffering. A reason for our wish to overcome death, a reason we yearn for eternal life. It is the same reason we strive for justice, and desire perfect love. These powerful longings are echoes from a better world. They resound deeply in every human heart – because that world exists. Just as our yearn for food points to its existence.
Based on the Bible, EBN is convinced there is only one door that leads to that place. And we know the way. Our question to each person is: Do you, too, want to find it? Jesus invites everyone. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7) Our hope is that many of you will ask, seek, knock – and find; and spend eternity with us in a beautiful place promised by God – where all our dreams are not just fulfilled, but surpassed.