Interview With Ebn President

Interview With Ebn President

EBN initiator Sandra Kinder became a believer of Jesus Christ in a glorious moment in 2006. With the help of Bible-based churches and other Christian institutions in the United States, she found amazing truth in God’s messages.
Sandra: “Sharing my experiences of my walk with God has become the main purpose in my life. Most young people do not believe in God, today. Among them are many who cannot see a worthwhile future or any ultimate purpose in life. Instead, they despair. Addiction, depression and abuse of stimulants are only some of the sad consequences of trying to fill a hole that only God can fill. When I realized the beauty of Jesus’ sacrifice for us, and saw its transformational impact on the lives of so many believers from any kind of background, independent of their social status, profession, home country, race, income, education etc., my mission crystalized: I wanted to help others also find the purpose, joy and certain future that comes only from knowing God.”
Sandra: “On the contrary. I kept my personal life as private as possible, but made a 180 degree turn to share God’s crucial messages with others. Spreading the Christian Gospel is worth letting people glimpse into my life, especially if you consider what is at stake. Of course, faith in God is a very personal matter and to receive feedback from others and learn about their stories is simply wonderful! … Naturally, I hope I will see many people who are watching the posts in paradise. This is why my slogan in my ‘Sandra’s Sunny Stories’ TikTok and Instagram videos is ‘I hope to see you one day on the other side’. I do pray for all my viewers!”
Sandra: “Sadly, many churches do not teach Biblical truth any more. Many have degenerated to one or another kind of secular social club; too many pulpits are abused to promote a political agenda instead of God’s crucial messages. Some ministers and priests do more to undermine Christianity than the fiercest atheists, for example by engaging in – or covering up – sexual abuse. And too many avoid mentioning the sad truth that we all are sinners. Or they preach that people can buy their way into heaven with good deeds – to make up for their bad ones. That isn’t what the Bible teaches. Only through Jesus Christ’s death on the cross can we be reconciled and reunited with God. His sacrifice is a huge gift we need to receive with gratitude. It shows God’s mercy and deep love for us. EBN was founded to communicate this beautiful life-changing and life-gaining message of God’s grace to humanity.”